Summary of Standard Wire Gage

Imperial Standard Wire Gauge (swg) as used for sheet metal and wire giving thickness in both imperial and metric.

swg Inches Millimeters
6/0 .46411.786
5/0 .43210.973
4/0 .40010.160
3/0 .3729.449
2/0 .3488.839
1/0 .3248.236
1 .3007.620
2 .2767.010
3 .2526.401
4 .2325.893
5 .2125.385
6 .1924.877
7 .1764.470
8 .1604.064
9 .1443.658
10 .1283.251
11 .1162.946
12 .1042.642
13 .0922.337
14 .0802.032
15 .0721.829
16 .0641.626
17 .0561.422
18 .0481.219
19 .0401.016
20 .036.914
21 .032.813
22 .028.711
23 .024.610
24 .022.559
25 .020.508
26 .018.457
27 .0164.417
28 .0148.376
29 .0136.345
30 .0124.315
31 .0116.295
32 .0108.274
33 .0100.254
34 .0092.234
35 .0084.213
36 .0076.193
37 .0068.173
38 .006.152
39 .0052.132
40 .0048.122
41 .0044.112
42 .004.102
43 .0036.091
44 .0032.081
45 .0028.071
46 .0024.061
47 .002.051
48 .0016.041
49 .0012.030
50 .001.025